Our Goals
The GCAMP Grant Program aims to develop the future of manufacturing by funding:
- Educational programs, clubs, or projects that teach, promote, or build manufacturing skills, such as computer aided design (CAD), blueprint reading, machine tooling, CNC programming, welding, robotics, mold making, die casting, etc.
- Workforce development programs that eliminate barriers for people seeking jobs within manufacturing
- Workforce development programs that provide job search support services (i.e. resume writing, mock interviews) or teach “soft skills” for people seeking jobs within manufacturing
- Workforce development programs that expose job seekers to the manufacturing sector or to manufacturing careers and pathways
Grant Criteria
Potential grant programs must meet one or more of the GCAMP Grant Program goals as described above and must serve a population located in the Chicagoland area.
If awarded a grant, grantees must submit a short grant evaluation form with at least two JPGs or other transferrable electronic photographs of your project by July 31. Please ensure that any identifiable people in the photos have a signed GCAMP media release consent form (minors need to have parents or guardians sign). Grantees needing more time can request an extension by July 31. Grantees who fail to submit a grant evaluation by the deadline may forfeit the opportunity to receive grant funding in a subsequent grant cycle.
Priority Grant Criteria
Priority will be given to projects or programs that:
- Impact a large audience
- Connect potential job seekers to a mentor
- Have not been previously funded by GCAMP
- Are innovative
- Are environmentally friendly
- Impact younger students (middle school or younger)
- Promote diversity, equity and inclusion of marginalized populations
Grant Timeline
Aug 1
Grant cycle begins. Online application opens.
Sept 30
Application deadline at 11:59 PM. Online application closes.
Applications are reviewed by GCAMP Grant committee.
Grant winners announced. If there are any remaining unallocated grant funds, online application will reopen and close when all budgeted funds are allocated.
November – July 31
Grant funds distributed by grantee request. Grantees complete grant evaluation form and submit pictures upon distribution of funds.
July 31
Grant cycle ends. Deadline to request funds without an extension. Deadline to submit a grant fund extension. Deadline to submit a grant evaluation.
Read more about past grant recipients!