
Welcome to our blog! Our aim is to keep you informed and encouraged about building the manufacturing workforce along in the greater Chicago area.

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GCAMP Grant Went to Wildstangs

GCAMP was thrilled to offer a grant to our friends from High School District 214, the Wildstang Robotics Program.

Are you Intern Ready?

A Summary of VALEES EFE Director Cassie Blickem’s Workforce Strategies Forum Presentation

Factory Tour Showcases Careers in Manufacturing to EGHS Students

Elk Grove High School students toured The Diemaster factory to learn about manufacturing careers for manufacturing month.

MFG Month Fresh Perspective

Molly's first few days on the job and it's Manufacturing Day celebrating this great industry. Read on for her perspective.

Are You Tour Ready?

It’s Manufacturing Month! Back in the day, it was called “Manufacturing Day.” But thank goodness someone had the good sense to capture the entire month.

Manufacturing Month—It's Right Around the Corner

October has been declared in the State of Illinois as Manufacturing Month, with the first Friday in October (October 7th this year), as Manufacturing Day.

Manufacturing Breakfast at West Aurora High School a Resounding Success!

Companies interested in hiring students are given the opportunity to meet and hear from students about industry-relevant projects and classes.

Intern Spotlight: Quinn Robinson

Today, Quinn is 19 years old and completing his first year at Bradley University where is his pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering.

Now Is the Time to Rethink Training and Internships

The mentality of problem-solving and finding new approaches should be applied to adapt training, manufacturing programs, and internships.