Why should you conduct tours?
Why would you take the time to organize a tour? You have to map out safety requirements, plan the perfect route through your facility, and rope in the right staff members to speak. This is without even accounting for the time to actually lead the tour. It sounds like a lot of work. After all, your life is busy enough, with meetings and emails and the pile of work that you are determined to get to eventually. However, the effort to put on a tour is worth it for multiple reasons.
Let’s talk about why tours will benefit you.
First, let’s look at some data.
- The track record of tours is proven- tours play a large role in impacting a student’s view of manufacturing.
- The number of students who chose “agree” or “strongly agree” to the statement I am considering a career in manufacturing or related technical industries jumped 41% post tours.
- 60% “strongly agreed” that the tour gave them important information about manufacturing careers.
- 80%+ of students would recommend the tour to other students.
Next, let’s talk about student impact:
- Going on tours helps many students find their path. Tours:
- Help students make informed decisions about their future career paths.
- Are valuable for students at risk of disengagement.
- Are especially valuable for disadvantaged students who may suffer from “the lack of both personal and professional network connections and lack of exposure to the world of work.”
- Can counter gender stereotypes and norms that might deter girls from choosing a career dominated by males.
- Contextualizes the STEM education that students are learning in the classroom.
Tours not only benefit the people touring, but they also benefit you.
- How tours will impact YOU!
- Invest the time in the younger generations of today in order to guide them towards a career path in manufacturing. In doing so, you’re supporting the students in finding a stable career path, the manufacturing industry by providing quality workers to an important economy, and yourself, by assuring your workplace continues running smoothly with the addition of eager employees, ready to learn.
Interested in hosting a tour, or better your current tour practices? Checkout our “Are You Tour Ready?” and "Are You Tour Ready? Part 2" blog posts for ideas on how to get started!
***Have you heard the news? GCAMP is now the proud owners of a set of Tour Headsets. These headsets are available for you to borrow if you are a GCAMP Champion. Contact Dawn at dcurran@gcamp.org to learn more about borrowing our headsets to make your tours better than ever!***