
Celebrating Manufacturing Month: Northern Kane County Region 110’s Industry Tours Inspire Students

In celebration of Manufacturing Month, Northern Kane County Region 110 joined forces with the Alignment Collaborative for Education, school districts 300, 301, 303, U-46, the St. Charles Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee, and the Greater Chicago Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (GCAMP) to spotlight the dynamic manufacturing industry in the Fox Valley region. What began three years ago with a small group of students from St.

Central 301 Engineering Students Experience the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS)

The International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS), the largest and longest-running manufacturing technology trade show in the United States, was held September 9–14, at McCormick Place in Chicago. This biennial event is a premier opportunity for industry leaders to explore cutting-edge innovations, engage in professional networking, and participate in a variety of educational workshops.

GCAMP Grant Funds Robotic Arm for Classroom

Hampshire High School teacher, Jonathan Weger, knew the right steps to take to make a huge impact with his students this year – give students knowledge, combine it with hands-on experiences, apply it to real-world scenarios, and watch the learning grow. 


GCAMP Supports Wildstangs with a Grant

GCAMP was thrilled to offer a grant to our friends from High School District 214, the Wildstang Robotics Program.  The Wildstang Robotics Program is made of up two FRC (First Robotics Competition) teams: Team 111 Wildstang and Team 112 Plus One.  Comprising these teams for the 2022-2023 school year were 72 high-school students dedicated to bringing STEM to life. 

Categories: Students Robotics Grants